Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Why we should care about how mass and space are created

I would like to open a dialogue in order to tackle the difficult questions of how mass and space are created. It is common knowledge that the beginning of Atomic Theory is attributed to Democritus in Ancient Greece. He proposed that the universe is made of indivisible particles and the void. He stated that these were eternal and understandably made no attempt to explain how they came into existence. Much later, during the scientific revolution, Descartes attempted to explain the existence of space as being created by the expansion of matter. Soon after Descartes, Isaac Newton codified classical physics in his laws. He treated space and mass as mathematical variables to explain the relationship between moving bodies but did not attempt to explain how they came into existence.
In the late 19th century, Hermann Minkowski came up with his theory of four-dimensional space-time. This was considered to be what would be left over if all of the matter and fields in the universe were to disappear and set the stage for Einstein’s theory of relativity.
Four dimensions sufficed until physicists began trying to find a Grand Unified Theory of all forces. In order for the equations to balance, they needed to add at least six more dimensions which could not be directly experienced.
I feel that this has led to a number of difficult problems in physics that will not be solved until we have a better understanding of how mass and space are created. Here is the short list of problems that could be solved by a better understanding of the nature of mass and space:
1. What was the nature of the universe at the moment of its conception?
2. What is the universe expanding into?
3. Is it possible to have more than one universe?
4. How does mass curve space?
5. Does gravity exist as a wave-particle, or is it merely one of the relationships between mass and space?
6. Is there a grand unified theory of all known forces? If we eliminate gravity as a force it would be easier.
7. Is it possible to have more than 3 spacial dimensions as proposed by superstring theory?

Answering the above questions would be a lot easier if we understood how mass and space are created. I would like to suggest a possible starting point for the endeavor. I would like to start with the concept of mass since it can be directly experienced, while space is a more abstract concept. In order to understand how mass is created we need to understand why do some particles have a certain mass while other particles apparently have no mass at all? If we could find two particles that differ by only by mass and one other measurable property then we might find a clue to how mass comes into being.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Thought Experiment on The Origin of Our Universe

Revisiting the First Principles of Atomic Physics and Cosmology
I spend much of my time independently in scholarly pursuits reading the works of the great atomic physicists and cosmologists from Thales to the present. This has inspired me to ponder some of the first questions asked by the ancient philosophers of atomic theory and cosmology. Many of these questions have been avoided in the recent positivist literature.
1. What were the initial conditions and causes of the beginning of the Universe?
2. Is the Universe a closed system?
3. What is mass?
4. How does space exist?

I would like to tackle some of these questions using accepted theories of atomic theory and cosmology along with logic and reason.

For starters I would like to propose a thought experiment to address the first two questions.

In the twentieth century, Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe is expanding. This led to the Big Bang theory that the universe began as a compact entity, billions of years ago and has been expanding explosively ever since. The controversial point about the Big bang theory is what was the state of the Universe at time zero, just before the Big Bang? I would like to attempt to approach this problem using the undisputed Second Law of Thermodynamics as a starting point. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the sum total entropy of a closed physical system will spontaneously increase over time. The Big Bang Theory assumes that the expansion of the Universe that we observe has been a continuous process since time zero. It would follow that the Universe had a maximum degree of enthalpy at the moment of the Big Bang. This means that something had to wind the cosmological spring just prior to the Big Bang.
If we consider the Universe as a closed system then we have to accept that there is a force in the Universe capable of self-winding. The only other possibility is that the Universe is not a closed system and something led to its creation in a highly enthalpic state. Where did the matter and energy to create the universe come from? There are many possibilities. If we consider the universe as an open system, then a cataclysmic event such as a collision of two or more other universes in other dimensions could cause a pin-hole rupture in space-time with an extrusion of matter and energy into our dimensional reality. This solves the problem of how all the matter and energy in our expanding universe originated from such a small space. It doesn’t explain the ultimate beginning of everything since the source of our reality came from another reality which needed to begin at some time from something.
If we consider the universe as a closed system, one possible explanation for the beginning of the universe is that the universe that we live in may have begun from a seed, which we call a singularity. A singularity is a state in which the natural laws as we understand them do not apply. Such as a massive collection of wave-particles where the attractive forces such as gravity outweigh the repulsive forces between the particles. As the particles become increasingly more compact, they have to become increasingly ordered in order to fit into a smaller space. This is analogous to a lump of coal being compacted into a diamond. Massive extremely ordered singularities can be formed from a contracting universe or a super-massive black hole. Once the singularity is formed it will curve space and suck in anything that ventures into its event horizon. If the singularity is in dense space such as the center of a galaxy, it will grow like a snowball rolling down a hill. The extreme conditions inside the singularity may result in the metamorphosis of matter, energy and forces into a proto-substance that has unified properties. As the matter and energy reach a critical mass, it is converted into a highly ordered proto-substance which is recycled to create new universes. This protosubstance consists of proto wave-particles that are the precursors of all the matter and energy in the universe. It has tremendous potential energy in the form of stored enthalpy. Singularities aren't necessarily single. If there are multiple singularities with enough mass and energy to create an entire universe, they may lead to multiple universes. It's also possible that one singularity can lead to multiple universes. Chaos theory predicts that a certain amount of chaos is inevitable even inside a singularity. Chaos is the necessary ingredient leading to multiple possible histories as the entropy of the singularity increases. These multiple histories may lead to multiple universes from a single singularity. Singularities may vary according to certain factors such as the amount of proto-substance which determines the virtual mass of the singularity and the degree and type of chaos incorporated in its matrix. I'm going to leave the math such as the calculations of the critical mass and degree of chaos to the mathematicians and theoretical physicists. The singularity exists in zero-time. It is completely uniform in an unstable equilibrium. As soon as time starts, the enthalpic potential energy is converted to kinetic energy. One scenario is a big bang of entropy and the universe begins to expand as a uniform bubble. In this scenario, one focus of disorder leads to a chain reaction affecting the entire singularity in an expanding wave-like manner. Another possibility is where multiple foci of disorder, form almost simultaneously leading to a Big-Boil, where multiple discrete bubbles of expanding entropy, that evaporate into multiple discrete universes.As the protosubstance releases energy in the form of kinetic energy it releases quantas of eternal photons while generating pairs of elementary particles and anti-particles that form according to the rules of duality.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

A Scientific Approach to a Cosmic World View

A Scientific Approach to a Cosmic World View
By Bill J Grossman, MD

Humans are an intelligent species who live in a vast universe without boundaries. Until very recently we were only able to perceive and interact with only a very small portion of the world around us. The main things that separates humans from the rest of the species on this world is our desire and ability to exert control over our environment and a capacity for language and symbolic thought.
During the Paleolithic period (The Old Stone Age), about 25,000 years ago, humans lived in small bands of hunters and gatherers in small geographical territories. These Paleolithic humans had evolved their five senses in order to interact with the components of nature that were necessary for the survival of the species. Ancient man needed to be able to perceive the indigenous flora and fauna, geographical terrain, and changes in the weather in order to survive. In the last 25,000 years we have evolved as far as our brain processing and reasoning capacity is concerned but it is assumed that the range of our sensory perception is essentially the same as our Paleolithic ancestors.
About 10,000 years ago in the Neolithic Period (New Stone Age), humans developed the ability to exert control over their environment by cultivating plants and breeding animals. It was at this time that tool making became necessary such as tools for plowing, harvesting, making pottery for food storage and weapons for hunting and self defense. One of the most important tools created at this time was Mathematics. This was necessary in order to know when to plant and when to harvest as well as an accounting tool to keep track of animals and pottery urns filled with food.
About 5,000 years ago, human settlements reached a critical size and cities developed. In order to build cities, new forms of mathematics needed to be developed to assist with engineering, city planning, and navigation. Without the ability to develop reasoning, tools and mathematics, humans would never have been able to evolve from the Stone Age to the level of advancement that we have achieved today.

I would like to list here what limits us from being able to be aware of what is really happening in the universe and where we fit in. We will need to retrain our minds to broaden our horizons before we can fully appreciate how the universe works and where we fit in.

1. We are limited to being able to sense only a miniscule portion of the visible light spectrum. We have developed tools such as radios and X-ray machines that help us extend the range of the electromagnetic spectrum that we can detect. We have developed telescopes with mass spectrometers that can actually tell us what stars are made of.
2. We are limited by scale. We can’t sense the trillions of symbiotic bacteria that live on our skin or in our intestines which protect us from the bacteria. We can’t detect the microscopic mites that live in our skin and clean it. We developed light microscopes to detect smaller things and when we exceeded the limits of these we invented electron microscopes to see even smaller organisms such as viruses.
3. We are severely limited by our short life span. The average human life span of 75 years is but a nanosecond in comparison with the age of the Universe. This doesn’t give us much time to figure things out. We have developed tools such as language and writing so that the process of Natural Philosophy started by the ancient Greeks continues to this day. We have also developed computers which speed up our ability to perform calculations and the internet which increases the speed of the transfer of information. This is why I am sitting at my computer right now, writing down my thoughts and sending it to anyone on the internet who is interested in taking my ideas and improving on them.
4. We have evolved to be self centered. This is a consequence of the selfish nature of natural selection. Some people have transcended this limitation to care for all humans (species-centric).
Environmentalists have transcended this further and are geocentrically aware. Few people other than cosmologists have been able to expand their awareness even further and develope a cosmic world view.

It wasn’t until about 400 years ago, that Galileo used one of the first telescopes which quickly led to the knowledge of distant moons and galaxies the laws of planetary motion. This elevated our awareness dramatically because it proved that we are not at the center of the universe. It also required the development of a new type of mathematics known as calculus. It was also at this time that Issac Newton postulated the existence of gravity.

This ushered in a period known as The Scientific Revolution, where philosophers like Descartes broke from the superstition of religion and relied more on the power of reason. There are risks associated with an increased capacity to control nature. Consider the atomic bomb, global warming, pollution, and destruction of the environment. We now have the ability to destroy ourselves in multiple ways. In retrospect, our ability to destroy ourselves is a predictable consequence of our growing ability to alter our environment which began in the Neolithic Period 10,000 years ago. It is the hope of reasonable people that our survival instinct will lead to a global cooperation so that that does not occur.
From a geocentric stand point, we are just renters on this planet; we never owned it and never will. When one studies the theory of population dynamics it makes sense. It has been shown that all species increase in population until they outgrow their habitat, and run out of resources, which causes the population to decrease through natural selection. In biological terms, even if we try to annihilate ourselves, some of us will survive and live on and evolve. These people will have metabolisms that will conserve water and calories, be able to withstand higher radiation levels and temperatures, and live on less oxygen and higher amounts of carbon dioxide.
Even if an astronomical cataclysmic event occurs such as a killer asteroid which occurs every 50 – 100 million years or so, and we lose our lease on Earth, some animals and plants will survive, and the Earth will regenerate as long as the water remains.
From a cosmocentric stand point, the Earth has a predictable life span which ends in a few billion years, when our Sun runs out of Hydrogen and starts to fuse Helium. The Sun will then grow to become a Red Giant, engulfing the Earth in the process. The effect of this will be to nourish the rest of the Universe by contributing heavy metals such as lithium to it. Without the life and death of stars we couldn’t have had the nitrogen, carbon and oxygen for life to have evolved on Earth in the first place so it’s only right that we return the favor so other planets can be born to maintain the balance of the universe.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Do psychic connections actually exist?

The String Sense:
Using Superstring Theory to Explain Psychic Connections Between People
By Bill J Grossman, MD

I have been doing a lot of reading on quantum physics lately. This has prompted me to try to apply the concepts to real life. The following is purely hypothetical and meant to be more of a mental exercise than an explanation of what I actually believe to be true.
Have you ever noticed that when you think about someone you know, you frequently run into that person in the next couple of days. I also have noticed that there are occasions when I think that someone will call me moments before they call me on the phone. The positivist explanation for this would be that we are constantly thinking about many people all day long. When one of those people cooincidently turns up soon afterwards it selectively triggers our recent memory.
I like to consider myself as being more of a positivist than a metaphysicist, but for the sake of argument, assume for a moment, that people can develop psychic bonds by interacting with those who they are compatible with. I would like to try to explain the phenomenon scientifically using superstring theory.
Superstring theory is a relatively new theory, which has been gaining momentum among theoretical physicists since the 1970’s. I will attempt to give a simplified overview of the theory in layman’s terms. Before I do that, I would like to give a brief background for why superstring theory was developed.
Ever since the ancient Greek philosopher, Democritus invented the concept of the atom 25 centuries ago; natural philosophers have been trying to figure out what the universe is made of and how it works. Unfortunately Aristotle’s geocentric philosophy stalled progress until the 1600’s when Isaac Newton and Galileo started the scientific revolution and modern physics was born. In 1905, a then unknown, Albert Einstein published a series of papers on Relativity and Quantum Physics, which opened new frontiers and changed the way scientists perceive the universe. Since then, the holy grail of theoretical physics has been to find a Grand Unified Theory that explains how subatomic particles and their associated force fields are related to each other. At the present time, Superstring Theory is one of the leading, although so far unproven, candidate for unification.
Superstring theory is a mathematical concept that states that all matter. energy and force fields are made of one-dimensional superstrings in a multidemensional universe. The superstrings can either be open at the ends or closed in a loop. When the loop is open the superstring behaves like a particle and when the loop is closed, the superstring behaves like a wave. This may explain why electromagnetic radiation, such as visible light, can behave like a wave or a particle. The superstrings are like rubber bands and have basic properties, which include: the amount of tension on the superstring, the probability that an open ended superstring will form a closed loop or visa versa, and how tightly the superstring is wound up.
Superstring theory makes mathematical sense but has yet to be proven to apply to the real world. However I would like to assume for the sake of argument that it is plausible in order to explain how people might form psychic bonds with each
It is a well-known fact that brain is made up of brain cells, called neurons, which transmit information electrochemically. In fact, all of our known bodily functions have an electrochemical basis. It is also an established scientific fact that all electrochemical currents have an electromagnetic field, which travels out in all directions, indefinitely unless it interacts with an exact opposite field that interferes with its propagation. According to superstring theory, these fields are represented by loops of superstrings, which can stretch out indefinitely and/or merge with other superstrings to form new superstrings. Now lets apply this to human interactions.
When people interact with each other, their bodies are radiating electromagnetic fields which interact with each other. If these fields can be considered to consist of super-strings, then these superstring fields interact with each other and there is a probability that some of the superstrings from one person will bond with some of the superstrings from the other person causing them to become quantumly entangled. The more superstrings from one person that bond with superstrings from another person, the stronger the cumulative bonding effect will be between those two people. This is like a rope made up of many strands of rubber bands. The more strands, the stronger the rope. The more strands, the less likely the rope will break, even if a few of the strands break. Thus we can see how repeated intimate contact between people causes strong physical bonds that can be stretched but are difficult to break even if the people move apart from each other in space-time.
Remember that these superstrings are still attached to electrochemical events going on in each affected person. I would like to propose that we subconsciously sense these faint connections. The stronger the bond is, the stronger the signal is.
Therefore, if a sufficiently strong bond is created between people they can subconsciously transmit information to each other over space-time via the superstring bond. If one trains oneself to recognize these subconscious signals, one can react consciously to them.
Now that I have explained the basic principle of the string sense and how a physical bond is created between people, I would like to apply it to some observable situations in the real world and see what rules of association apply. For example, why are compatible people more likely to form psychic bonds with one and another? A simple explanation is that compatible people tend to interact with each other more frequently on a more intimate basis so the probability of forming stronger bonds exists from repeated interaction. However I am not ruling out the possibility that compatible people may share superstrings that are more compatible with each other either purposely or unintentionally.
What about people who only interact with each other by the Internet or telephone? Do they form psychic bonds with each other? Do supersuperstrings traveling over an electrical current form bonds between people? This can be easily tested scientifically. Just design an experiment where you have people interact with each other solely over an electrical network and see if they develop a psychic connection that is stronger than two people who have never met with each other. I would also propose comparing the results with the psychic connection formed between people who have spent the same amount of time interacting each other in person as over the phone.
I suspect that psychic bonds can form between people interacting over an electrical network, but the bond formed is weaker than one that is formed by
face-to-face interactions. This is probably due to the nature of the bonds, which are formed via different mediums.
Finally, you may have noticed that I have limited my discussion to bonding between people and have left out animals. This was because I didn’t want to scare away any anthropocentric readers. However there is no physical reason why animals should be excluded from the theory and anyone who has had a close relationship with a pet can testify to that.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

On Existence

     On Existence
     The purpose of this essay is to explain how our existence came into being and how we fit into the big picture which we call the universe. Once we understand this then we have a cosmology to work with to explain our interrelationships with ourselves and the rest of the universe. The universe is an entity that is eternal and consists of matter and energy that are constantly being converted back into one and another according to Einstein's famous equation E=MC².  It is impossible to know when it came into existence.
     The current "Big Bang" theory uses Doppler techniques that measure the distance and rates of travel of the furthest detectable stars and extrapolate backwards to when all of the stars were clustered into one mass which is estimated to be about 14 billion or so years ago.  Mass has two opposing properties:  one is gravity, which attracts matter which causes the universe to contract, and the other is entropy which is the potential for that matter to be converted into energy which causes the universe to expand. Over the past 14 billion years, the universe has been expanding. It's possible that the universe has been expanding and contracting for all eternity. The average human life span is infinitesimal when compared to the age of the universe, which doesn't give us much time to figure much out.
     As the universe converts energy into matter, it forms stars and planets.  Some of these planets are capable of sustaining life-forms, which have the properties of growth, reproduction and response to stimulation.  Life-forms are also microcosmically made up of matter and energy being converted into one another, but are not eternal. We call the matter the body, and we call the energy the soul. Some of these life-forms become scientient (self-aware).
     Once beings become scientient, they tend to evolve and eventually begin to ask the following philosophical questions:
1. Who am I?
2. What is my purpose?
3. Is the universe controlled by random events, or is there intelligent design in the form of a divine deity?
4. What happens to the soul once the body ceases to exist?
I don't pretend to have the answers to these questions.  It is the way that people approach these questions that causes human beings to cluster into philosophical or religious groups.

Sunday, December 17, 2006



Duality is a fundamental property of everything in the universe. The Universe is composed of pure energy that uses duality to create matter and the subsatnce that we can percieve. If you consider the major states of being, they are usually balanced by dual natures that are intimately connected and mutually dependent and cannot exist without the other. Duality is the only thing measured so far that can go faster than the speed of light. The teleportation of effects experimant by, John Bell as postulated by the Einstein Podolsky Rosen Paradox. If you split a particle into two other particles, those particles will always be linked to each other as far as their relationship and spin are concern. This is called the Einstein Podolsky Rosen Effect. If you separate these particles they will always orient themslves as a mirror image as each other. If you place one observer at each effected particle and change the spin of one of them, the other one shifts at the same time even if they are far away from each other. The observers each particle will notice instantaneous teleportation of the effect, faster than the speed of light. Thus the properties of matter can be determined with 100% probabilty before they are observed and information can be transmitted faster than the speed of light.

In physics, some dualities include.
Space/ Time
Matter/ Energy
Particle / Antiparticle
Particle/ Wave
Positive/ Negative
Expand/ Contract
Light/ Dark
Stochaic / Deliberate
Certain/ Uncertain
Clockwise/ Counter Clockwise
Right/ Left
Yin/ Yang

It is the existence of these dualities and more that enable the universe to differentiate into what we perceive it to be.