Sunday, December 17, 2006



Duality is a fundamental property of everything in the universe. The Universe is composed of pure energy that uses duality to create matter and the subsatnce that we can percieve. If you consider the major states of being, they are usually balanced by dual natures that are intimately connected and mutually dependent and cannot exist without the other. Duality is the only thing measured so far that can go faster than the speed of light. The teleportation of effects experimant by, John Bell as postulated by the Einstein Podolsky Rosen Paradox. If you split a particle into two other particles, those particles will always be linked to each other as far as their relationship and spin are concern. This is called the Einstein Podolsky Rosen Effect. If you separate these particles they will always orient themslves as a mirror image as each other. If you place one observer at each effected particle and change the spin of one of them, the other one shifts at the same time even if they are far away from each other. The observers each particle will notice instantaneous teleportation of the effect, faster than the speed of light. Thus the properties of matter can be determined with 100% probabilty before they are observed and information can be transmitted faster than the speed of light.

In physics, some dualities include.
Space/ Time
Matter/ Energy
Particle / Antiparticle
Particle/ Wave
Positive/ Negative
Expand/ Contract
Light/ Dark
Stochaic / Deliberate
Certain/ Uncertain
Clockwise/ Counter Clockwise
Right/ Left
Yin/ Yang

It is the existence of these dualities and more that enable the universe to differentiate into what we perceive it to be.


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